Sunday, November 28, 2010

Running in the Cold!

"Brrrrrr!!!!!!!! Its freezing!" These were my first words this morning when I got out of bed. Its only Fall, but NOW is when the temps start dropping and its past the time to prepare for running in the cold! Here are some tips, hints, and tricks that will help you 'plow' through the seasons!

To start, you definitely want the right clothing and accessories. My most precious piece in cold weather has to be my gloves. Trying to run in the freezing weather without gloves can make your run miserable. It only takes a few minutes before trying zip up your jacket or tie you shoe becomes impossible due to numb fingers. The gloves I have are the Women's Thermal Running Gloves. They are fleece and have a small pocket in the palm to put a single key. I don't know if I could run with out those!
A beanie is also wonderful, especially if its below 30 degrees or windy! I also have and love my long sleeve, Under Armor turtle neck-

A fleece Under Armour un-hooded jacket with zip up pockets helps-I have learned the best thing to run in to keep warm is fleece, at least for me! And one thing on my Christmas list this year that most runners have is fitted cold gear tights! I saw them at Colorado Running Company from anywhere between $65-$115. So as I wait for Santa to bring me the tights I usually run in my 3/4 length Lulu Lemon pants.....not warm enough!!!

For anyone who has issues with the cold air hurting their lungs, which if its under 20 degrees I do, think about getting one of these! One other piece of advice I have been told especially if its snowing while you run is to wear bright colors- drivers don't consider that there are crazy people running during snow storms! =)

Now that you are prepared clothing wise (or have added a lot to your Christmas list) lets talk about the act of running! Remember to keep hydrated- I know it doesn't seem as important when its cold and snowy and you don't see the sweat being lost but IT IS! Also one thing I just learned at Runners for shoes with ventilation holes-use duct tape to keep feet warm-that's actually going to be nice- I hadn't thought of that and my toes were freezing!

Try to stick to paths where you know the terrain, if you think it could be icy-avoid it or use shoe spikes- available at most running stores!

And one of the most important things is to make sure you enjoy it, if you don't enjoy it, go inside and run on the treadmill! There's nothing wrong with that! (see blog post about Running On Treadmills) I love running outside in the cold as long as its not too windy, especially because the hot chocolate at the end helps make it worth it! =)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Gobble Gobble!

Happy Thanksgiving!! So it's 7:14am and I just checked the weather.....16 degrees but feels like....3 degrees....yeah and windy...and we are supposed to be running the Turkey trot!!!! I promise after this I WILL blog about running in cold weather...its going to be an experience...the coldest I've tried to ru in is 29 and I was in a little pain! =)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Way Too Long!

Sorry about the long absence! Long story short...our computer crashed and now we have a new one! =) Anyways, training for the half marathon is going ok, not great but good. Life has been getting very busy! BUT that is no excuse! I need to start waking up early to go running then...since my afternoons are now filled with work, making dinner, Bible study, friends and Hubby...all good things, sorry that might have sounded negative but its not! So this morning I got up to take Danny to work and realized the alarm was set but never turned 'On'......oops. I woke up at 6:42am....Danny had to be at work at 7:00am and it take 15 minutes to get there.....soooo we hurried and I had this plan to go running this morning after dropping him off so i just grabbed my shoes and ran out the door (no pun intended) with him and Spike, got into the car and off we go...I started to put my shoes on and realized I grabbed two left running shoes! Hahah I don't do well when rushed! Anyways I decided since today is probably the last nice day here in Colorado that I would take the dog and run in Garden of the Gods to work on some hills. We get there and its a little colder than everywhere else in Colorado Springs....44 degrees. I have run in colder so I thought it would be fine. After the first strenuous hill, I couldn't recover, my lungs burned and there was a ton of phlegm in them, we ended up only doing half. It's ok though! It was nice to get out there and in my next blog I will go over running in cold weather...hah I will try to tkae my own advice! Have a great weekend!

Monday, September 27, 2010


I love the way God works. Yesterday at church Pastor Dan did a topical study. It was on 1st Kings, about Elisha and how he had been very discouraged by being down by the river and being fed by ravens (just a very small part of his life) and through out his life there were many times when he was discouraged by life and people, like Jezabel, who persecuted him. One thing that was pointed out was that God was working in Elisha's life during those discouraging times, growing Elish'as faith and glorifying Himself through Elisha's story.
I woke up this morning with a stiff knee..... I haven't run in 3 days because of a crazy schedule so it wasn't from exercising too much. As the day has gone on my knee has gotten much worse while sitting and walking around at work. I was really discouraged since today was supposed to be my 6 mile day. We have a therapy laser at work so I used that which helped a little but after a little while it felt warm and was getting swollen. So that means no running. I'm not sure how long i will be out but its very frustrating! But I do know that my God is in control and He knows why. Maybe I need to just sit and be still and know that HE IS GOD and that through this He is growing my faith in Him and glorifying Himself! Pray for me please!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Running Our Race

"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize." -1 Corinthians 9:24-27

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
- Hebrews 12:1-3

Like long distance runs, Paul tells us that this life is not based on the speed we run our race, but having perseverence in our run and to finish it faithfully! It can definitely feel like we are weighed down sometimes, and having any extra weight while running we all know makes it much harder, but Hebrews says, “throw off everything that hinders and the sin that entangles” and run the race set before us. Through reading our Bibles, praying , fellowship,fixing our eyes on and trusting in Christ we can run our race the way He wills! I pray that He gives you the strength to run your race for Him alone!

For The Long Run!

Today is my 5 mile speedwork run. Since it's only week 2 of training it won't be too bad...I hope =)!I am actually looking forward to it! I have my book, my iPod, and the TV, because like I said I prefer the treadmill on longer training runs. I know I already wrote a post about running on treadmills so this is going to be a little tangent from that.
The Woodway Treadmill is a phenomenal treadmill! I just really found out about it and what it is exactly for, when I had my personal training assessment at Villa Sport. So the, jingle, for lack of a better term coming to mind, for this particular treadmill is "Woodway, For The Long Run." That probably tells you a little right there. As you can see from the picture the Woodway treadmill has rubber slats and wire-reinforced lateral belt design that provides the smoothest, most precise and most comfortable running surface. I loooove this for long runs. It is soooo much easier on my knees than regular treadmills, because the rubber is MUCH thicker than a normal one. I don't really use it for short runs because I do need to be used to running on harder surfaces too but to spare my knees from too much it's nice. The one that I use does have a TV connected to it which is great as well! If you do have access to one try it out, it makes such a difference and has a ton of different programs much different from the ones on regular treadmills!
This weeks Bible verse:
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"
-Philippians 4:13

Friday, September 17, 2010

Where Do You Find Your Motivation???

I changed the name of this post 3 times before I felt lead to write about motivation. I should start by saying that no matter where I run, what time it is, or even how I feel, if I'm not motivated I can't even run 20 feet.
When I first started really running the best motivation was the newness of the challenge...could I REALLY run 3 miles without walking?? And the adrenaline and motivation would gush out of me as I ran with all my heart. It was, I guess I can say "easy" to run hard. At the beginning it had a lot to do with wanting something of my own. Everyone around me had a hobby or "thing" except for me... The first few times I ran I really felt like this was going to be mine. Something I could do on my own and have the people closest to me cheer me on. That was my motivation. After the "newness" died out a little and the days came and went and I needed to stick to my training plan but there were shows on TV, or I had a long day at work, or any other excuse that snuck its way into my brain, I searched and searched for something that would motivate me to run, and not just run, but to train hard.
I am sure we all go through days of sitting on the couch with our running shoes on but not tied yet, wondering why the heck we are doing this and hoping that something... ANYTHING would come across and motivate us to get out there. To be honest for me its usually something different each time that gives me that little push I need. An idea for you that has spurred me on when I least wanted to get out there is something I live out, its to "run your hardest when you least want to be running." And to tell you the truth it works. I don't really know how, and I am sure some of you think I am crazy but try it. Next time you are thinking "not today" JUST GO. And see what happens! It feels sooo inspiring when you are done and kind of becomes something I love doing. I guess it takes a little self discipline but you should have at least a little if you run at all!
Another thing that I have found helpful, even when I am excited to go running, is reading articles about inspiring runners,( check out some of the articles on or even when I see someone running on my way home from work! See to those of you who run around 5:45pm...thanks you motivate me! =)
The past week I have been very motivated because I have just started a 16 week training plan for the Phoenix Rock & Roll Half Marathon on January 16th that I will be running! Soooooo excited that every time I run I know its for a purpose! It's an easy time of being motivated when I have a race I have to train for and have already paid for. Its the times when you are just doing maintenance runs and feel like nothing is ahead that it gets tough. The all time BEST motivation though, better than all the things I stated above is truly wanting God to be glorified by my running. Though I started out with not the best intentions, God has done an amazing work in my heart! A quick tangent--Some of the best advice I have ever gotten from another sweet sister in Christ is 'Take God on all your runs'. Really, praying before the run that anyone that might see would smell the aroma of Christ, anyone I might talk to would hear Him in me and anyone that might need Christ would be shown who He is, and the possibility that He might use me in my running to bring them into His fold is SOOOOO AMAZING! It truly makes me want to run and shout His name. I pray that He would use you in your life, no matter what it is you are doing, to further His kingdom. He is the one who is giving you the endurance, and wisdom, and strength to run. He is a great God!!

This weeks memory verse. (Every week for the 16 week training plan there is a different verse to memorize! Enjoy!
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." -Philippians 4:6

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Treadmills Can Be Fabulous!!!

Am I crazy? No...well maybe, I just prefer running inside on the treadmill for runs longer than 5 miles. This would seem crazy to some and for some reason I can't really pinpoint the reason why I prefer a treadmill to the beautiful landscape of Colorado. Could it be the a/c? or being able to watch a movie on the touch screen treadmill at Villa Sport-which is the Athletic Club I belong to? Maybe its the guilty comfort in my subconscious of knowing that I can stop at anytime and not have 3 more miles to get to the car? =) Well at any rate, today I conquered 6 miles for the first time in 6 months! Praise God!! And I did it all on the treadmill!

I know to many runners just the word "treadmill" makes them think of a boring and tedious run. But it really doesn't have to be!! One of the best tips and encouragements I can give to someone who either has to use a treadmill, or just wants to give it a try but is discouraged by how bland it seems is bring a few things to keep you occupied i.e.- That great book you've been reading, your iPod-preferably with a great mix dedicated to your running, a magazine of some sort, a Kindle or iPad-if your blessed enough to have one =) etc. Today that's exactly what I did. I first watched a movie for 2 miles, then got a little bored watching the Julia Roberts girly movies so I picked up my new Runner's World magazine and was intrigued by some great motivating articles and by the time I looked up I had gone almost 4 1/2 miles! Also the placement of your treadmill- I ran on one that looked out to the pool and to beautiful Pikes Peak-, It feels soooo good!
Whether rain or shine, sleet or snow,day or late at night (no I'm not the mail man =) ) you can always run on a treadmill! Well I guess not if you have to drive to the gym and there's 4 feet of snow outside but you get my jyst right? Especially living in Colorado where sometimes running in -5 degrees is just not smart, I can go run on the treadmill where I can still wear shorts and a tank. I also love that there are pottys just around the corner, not that using trees isn't fun, but this way I KNOW no one is going to sneak up! Hahah. They have great training plans on most treadmills where you can pick hills, speed, distance, mix or just quick start. If you have one at home...well....even better!!!! How nice and blessed you are!!! Hmmm Christmas present one day??!!
Another thing I have noticed about myself is that it takes some getting used to. Getting your speed vs. the treadmills speed and all that takes some getting used to so try to figure out how you work with the treadmill before doing a long distance, its very different and knowing that it kind of propels you in a way since the belt constantly moves is weird. Also once you get the hang of it, put it on a 1% hill grade to combat the lack of air resistance from not being outside. Try it! I encourage you to try and see what you think! Let me know!

Monday, August 30, 2010

I Can Do All Things....

through CHRIST who strengthens me! - Philippians 4:13

While running with Carrie through Garden of the Gods (you will start noticing me shorten it to just "Garden." Lazy? I dunno =) ) but we started talking about how cool it is that every time we run it we see something different. Its beautiful. Carrie has been suffering with asthma and it was her first day back in 2 weeks, we were both nervous about it but ok if walking was necessary-walking is NOT bad, especially during recovery from being ill, injured or just fatigued. Think about it, walking around the block once while recovering from a cold and being tired is better than sitting on the couch wishing you were out running!
The very first hill-which is also the starting point of the run- is a MONSTER...its hard to describe it but that it is probably the hardest hill of the 3 mile course. I definitely struggle with it, though, praise God, I am able to completely run up it without walking. My lungs do burn pretty bad once we reach the top and keep burning for quite a while but its exhilarating when I look back at the accomplishment! Today when we decided on running Garden I wasn't exactly excited, but we prayed before getting out of the car and God DID give us strength! As we ran up the hill I prayed that God would push me, it burned but He is always our strength in times of need and I praised Him as we went down hill! Its amazing how much running and training compares to this life. God has put us here on this earth for a short time, there are ups and downs, and seasons we go through that but through Christ alone we can get through it, and glorify Him at the same time. I truly pray that God is so glorified by my running and that every one that sees would smell Christ's aroma and the shining light of Him who saved me!

"I am the LORD; I have called you in righteousness; I will take you by the hand and keep you; I will give you as a covenant for the people, a light for the nations," -Isaiah 42:6

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Take 5 In The Garden!

Today I wasn't feeling 100% so I decided to take today off even though I took yesterday off too. Days off are great and NEEDED! Don't burn yourself out! =)In May we did a race called "Take 5 In The Garden" it was a 5k/5M in Garden of the Gods! For Carrie this was her first race! We did the 5 mile which was nerve racking for both of us because it was in Garden of the Gods-which is a tough run. We thought that while we trained we had the correct course we were running so we would be prepared- it is sooooo much easier to race when you know the course! highly recommend reviewing courses prior to races!-and it ended up being totally different. But it was still very fun, challenging and exhilirating. Especially to see that people from all over the United States came to run through this magnificent park! Carrie ended up having an asthma attack, though God used it for Carrie to be able to encourage other women that were struggling which was awesome! I also had a tough time with my knees, sometimes I get a sharp pain in the back of my knee that hurts tremendously on down-hills-strange huh? But it truly was a blast! Here are some pictures!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Garden of the Gods

When I run through this magnificent place I think mostly of the lyrics to this song.
How great is our God,
sing with me how great is our God,
all can see how great, how great is our God!

Today I ran through Garden of the Gods. It's hard to explain but my runnning friend Carrie, at whose house Danny and I currently reside, and I explain this run as "relaxing"! Weird huh? Since reviews of Garden of the God runs call it "strenuous" because of its many hills-that in fact become our friends =) especially since reading the article on about how to love hills. Its definitely all in the form, read the article titled Hill Running Form here's the web address-,7120,s6-238-263-264-12863-0,00.html

Anyways, this is the most beautiful run ever! God's amazing creation displayed for all to see! I always ask myself when running here how I could ever be chosen by such an amazing God who created this spectacular place without sweat?? He loves me and chose me from the foundations of the earth to be HIS!! Praise HIM!!! God is so good and I am so thankful for this amazing place to live, run, and glorify Him!!! Here are some pictures from today's run!! Oh and it's about 3 miles around the Garden on the path I went today, it is paved road and sometimes it does hurt my knees but not today thank You Lord!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

To Starbucks with Spike

Today's Bible verse that has encouraged me is my header verse.

Hebrews 12:1-"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us."

This verse is so encouraging in my life and running. Christ calls us to run with endurance- we are to keep on going as long as He has us here to run to His glory, live to His glory and be witnesses of Him! I pray that He is my strength today!

I think I am going to run to Starbucks. This run is 5 miles round trip and has an awesome little break half way through. It's definitely not the most beautiful run because its just along the side walk by my house and past cars and buildings but I can, however, bring Spike on this one because the sidewalk is a good width most of the way so I won't trip over him. My favorite part and the part that makes up for the not-so-beautiful part is that I get to stop at Starbucks for a Passion Tea Lemonade with sweetener =) Pray! See you later! Oh and here is a picture of Spike.
From about 6 months ago. Obviously...there's snow..

Warrior Dash 2010

About 6 months ago we heard about this crazy race called The Warrior Dash. It had never been in Colorado before and so we looked it up! Only to find out that this was the first year for it. It looked so fun and crazy. They explained that there were about 12 different obstacles over 3.27 miles, including, car wreckage climb, hay bale climb, tire run, rope climb, uphill mountain run, mud pit (see below), net climb, tunnels, river crossing, wall jumping and 2 fire jumps. I think I got them all. Anyways the moment Danny heard about it he wanted to do it! We signed up and told a few other people about it. Nathan decided to sign up too. So we arrived up in Copper Mountain (about 2 hours and 15 minutes away) at 8:30am because I had told them me and Danny's heat started at 11:30...oops....when we picked up our packets (which included a sweet shirt, viking hat, our timing chip and our number) it said our heat didn't start until 1:30pm. It was OK though there were lots of things to do and people to watch. LOTS of funny costumes. So when 12:45 came around we found out that they don't really care/check your actual time you go so we decided to race with Nathan at 1:00. I was so nervous when we were at the start line which is nothing new, so I prayed and God calmed the storm inside me! As the whistle blew and we took off, of course Danny and Nathan blew past me-Danny is so very competitive, It was so fun. I REALLY struggled with the running up the mountain thing, it did end up being switch-backs up the mountain but it was also a lot higher in elevation than I am used to, God definitely humbled me because I did end up walking most of the uphill and was kicking myself the whole time-another thing I struggle with sometimes-pride. But after the cars, rope, hay and mountain you run downhill for a good mile-its such a beautiful place- we got to a water stop and then the mud pit,there was a crowd of people watching and rooting for everyone to dive in- I truly can't even remember what I did, all I remember is people shouting and the taste of the mud. It surprised me, I thought it would taste bad but it really didn't taste like anything! After the mud pit you run up a little hill-feeling very heavy-and go through the tunnels, net climb-which another thing to know about me I am terrified of heights if I don't have a railing so the net climb was......SCARY. Then the river run, and the fire jump-which was also scary the fire was up to my waist. The the finish, I was shocked when I was greeted at the finish line by Danny and Nathan and hardly recognized them! They must have been part of the group that got cheered enough to go completely under the mud....seriously like an inch thick of mud on them. We then paid $5 to take showers and walked around enjoying Copper. We will most definitely be doing it next year and will be bringing lots more people!
In Him,

A New Blog!

I am very excited to start this blog! Though I am not sure where to start…. Hmmmm, well I am Lauren, I am 23 years old and live in Colorado Springs, Colorado with my wonderfuly sweet husband Danny and our 2 cats, Molly & Murphy, and our boxer dog Spike. We have lived in Colorado for 3 years now. We started off in Orange County, California-where we were born and raised. When we met at church 41/2 years ago now- we knew we would be getting married. We moved here to Colorado right after we got married-much cheaper and Danny’s family is out here. Though I miss my mom and dad terribly, we are blessed to get to see them often. We originally moved to Castle Rock, about 35 minutes north of Colorado Springs but when the Pastor and his wife and kids moved to the Springs from California to start Reverence Bible Church ( we prayed and God led us down here to be able to be a part of His church.
So now you know a little about me, but the whole reason I am starting this blog is very exciting!! I have never liked running. (I know, a weird place to start) In high school I always found a way out of running “The Mile”. But God did some huge things in my heart after getting married and needing something of my own. I realized that I was always enjoying going to Danny’s soccer games, and thinking why do I just stay at home and wait while he is at the gym? I was inspired by some ladies at the place I was working in Castle Rock. One of them kept saying she looooves to run, and that she has a training schedule and is going to run a race. Now, in my mind I kept saying “Hmmm thats great for you!” and “Yeah I could never do that.” But after much praying and thinking and encouragement from them I decided to try to run. Though I had it all wrong at first tryong to run as hard as I could, I kinda liked it. And at first my intentions were all wrong-they were to look better and to get attention. SO i went onto and was definitely overwhelmed by how much information was there. One of the ladies had told me to go to the personal trainer and type in my stats, I did and thats where it all began. Iprayed that God would be glorified by my running and that He would be my strenght ,endurance and joy. He has blessed it so much! Last September was my first half-marathon!! I did it in 2 hours 45 minutes and 31 seconds it was up in Boulder and I went with a bunch of friends. I was so excited! Since then my knees have been bothering me a bit but I also finished a 10 mile race, can’t remember my time but iI remember it was 10 minute 1 second per mile. Anyways I really have this vision for this blog that it would encourage other Christian runners or non-runners closer to our amazing, merciful, gracious God!!!
In Christ,