I changed the name of this post 3 times before I felt lead to write about motivation. I should start by saying that no matter where I run, what time it is, or even how I feel, if I'm not motivated I can't even run 20 feet.
When I first started really running the best motivation was the newness of the challenge...could I REALLY run 3 miles without walking?? And the adrenaline and motivation would gush out of me as I ran with all my heart. It was, I guess I can say "easy" to run hard. At the beginning it had a lot to do with wanting something of my own. Everyone around me had a hobby or "thing" except for me... The first few times I ran I really felt like this was going to be mine. Something I could do on my own and have the people closest to me cheer me on. That was my motivation. After the "newness" died out a little and the days came and went and I needed to stick to my training plan but there were shows on TV, or I had a long day at work, or any other excuse that snuck its way into my brain, I searched and searched for something that would motivate me to run, and not just run, but to train hard.
I am sure we all go through days of sitting on the couch with our running shoes on but not tied yet, wondering why the heck we are doing this and hoping that something... ANYTHING would come across and motivate us to get out there. To be honest for me its usually something different each time that gives me that little push I need. An idea for you that has spurred me on when I least wanted to get out there is something I live out, its to "run your hardest when you least want to be running." And to tell you the truth it works. I don't really know how, and I am sure some of you think I am crazy but try it. Next time you are thinking "not today" JUST GO. And see what happens! It feels sooo inspiring when you are done and kind of becomes something I love doing. I guess it takes a little self discipline but you should have at least a little if you run at all!
Another thing that I have found helpful, even when I am excited to go running, is reading articles about inspiring runners,( check out some of the articles on www.runnersworld.com) or even when I see someone running on my way home from work! See to those of you who run around 5:45pm...thanks you motivate me! =)
The past week I have been very motivated because I have just started a 16 week training plan for the Phoenix Rock & Roll Half Marathon on January 16th that I will be running! Soooooo excited that every time I run I know its for a purpose! It's an easy time of being motivated when I have a race I have to train for and have already paid for. Its the times when you are just doing maintenance runs and feel like nothing is ahead that it gets tough. The all time BEST motivation though, better than all the things I stated above is truly wanting God to be glorified by my running. Though I started out with not the best intentions, God has done an amazing work in my heart! A quick tangent--Some of the best advice I have ever gotten from another sweet sister in Christ is 'Take God on all your runs'. Really, praying before the run that anyone that might see would smell the aroma of Christ, anyone I might talk to would hear Him in me and anyone that might need Christ would be shown who He is, and the possibility that He might use me in my running to bring them into His fold is SOOOOO AMAZING! It truly makes me want to run and shout His name. I pray that He would use you in your life, no matter what it is you are doing, to further His kingdom. He is the one who is giving you the endurance, and wisdom, and strength to run. He is a great God!!
This weeks memory verse. (Every week for the 16 week training plan there is a different verse to memorize! Enjoy!
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." -Philippians 4:6
Thank you for this! My motivation feels refreshed! I look forward to running the half with you! A great God adventure awaits us!