Monday, August 30, 2010

I Can Do All Things....

through CHRIST who strengthens me! - Philippians 4:13

While running with Carrie through Garden of the Gods (you will start noticing me shorten it to just "Garden." Lazy? I dunno =) ) but we started talking about how cool it is that every time we run it we see something different. Its beautiful. Carrie has been suffering with asthma and it was her first day back in 2 weeks, we were both nervous about it but ok if walking was necessary-walking is NOT bad, especially during recovery from being ill, injured or just fatigued. Think about it, walking around the block once while recovering from a cold and being tired is better than sitting on the couch wishing you were out running!
The very first hill-which is also the starting point of the run- is a MONSTER...its hard to describe it but that it is probably the hardest hill of the 3 mile course. I definitely struggle with it, though, praise God, I am able to completely run up it without walking. My lungs do burn pretty bad once we reach the top and keep burning for quite a while but its exhilarating when I look back at the accomplishment! Today when we decided on running Garden I wasn't exactly excited, but we prayed before getting out of the car and God DID give us strength! As we ran up the hill I prayed that God would push me, it burned but He is always our strength in times of need and I praised Him as we went down hill! Its amazing how much running and training compares to this life. God has put us here on this earth for a short time, there are ups and downs, and seasons we go through that but through Christ alone we can get through it, and glorify Him at the same time. I truly pray that God is so glorified by my running and that every one that sees would smell Christ's aroma and the shining light of Him who saved me!

"I am the LORD; I have called you in righteousness; I will take you by the hand and keep you; I will give you as a covenant for the people, a light for the nations," -Isaiah 42:6

1 comment:

  1. Amazing! An amazing and exhilarating run! Thank you for sharing this here on the web and sharing the run with me!
