Monday, January 3, 2011

Bummed, to the Glory of God

Well hello! So sorry about my long reprieve from blogging! God has been teaching me that my body is NOT my own! It belongs to Him and Him alone!

During the middle of November I started having some weird and painful stomach aches just randomly and thought nothing about it. Then, in the beginning of December they started to happen EVERY time I ate anything, even drinking water. I was also have horrible heartburn I couldn't shake even standing up straight. So finally, after not wanting to eat (though I was still hungry) for about a week I went to a gastroenterologist. They decided then that they wanted to do an endoscopy to check for a million different things...yuck.... Danny took me in the next Tuesday and they gave me happy meds and stuck a camera and slicers (they took biopsies and pictures) down my throat and into my stomach. They ended up finding swelling in my stomach and a lot in my esophagus.They finally concluded it was due to Acid Reflux Disease. Yes, Praise God that it was only that! Still painful but VERY treatable. That was great news!

Now, the bad news was that because I was in so much pain, I wasn't able to stick to my training plan......not good, especially because the race was in less than a month!!!!!! I was sooo bummed. But God is good.

Every sermon, devotion, and encouragement from others I heard and received while contemplating how I could run this race in January had been about how big, and in COMPLETE control my God is of every circumstance in my life! He knows what I am going through, He ordained it, and it is for HIS glory! I praise Him and hope He uses it to His glory! Though I will not be going to Arizona in a couple weeks, and I will not be running the half-marathon, I know my God is sovereign.Am I bummed? Yes, but I am also excited to see how I can glorify Him through this. Your prayers are coveted as I have to go back to the doctor soon because of more pain in a different area of my stomach.
"Oh, Sovereign Lord, you are God! Your words are trustworthy, and you have promised these good things to your servant."
-2 Samuel 7:28


  1. So happy that the doctors were able to figure it out! I hope they figure out this new thing soon... Definitely praying for you girlie!! I know you must be really disappointed to not be able to go, but it sounds like God has brought you to a good place about it. The sovereignty of God is something that I've really been meditating on lately too... is such a comforting thing to know that He's in control and that nothing can happen apart from His will, but it's hard to submit to it sometimes! Praying for you!

  2. Lauren!
    I'm glad to hear its nothing more than GERD! At the same time, I know how terribly uncomfortable it can be! I was also diagnosed with Acid Reflux about 6 years ago but instead of taking a zantac or prevacid everyday (annoying and expensive!) I saw a Naturopathic Dr, who also happened to be my bff's mom, and she gave me a natural supplement that actually cured me completely to where now I don't have to watch what kinds of food i eat. I am SO thankful for it and would love to send some your way if you're interested. Let me know! Love you,
    PS-Or hey, since you'll be here in July for the wedding, maybe you can see Dr. Julie yourself! :)

  3. Mandy, God is so good, meditating on his sovreignty is amazing and overwhelming! =)

    Meg, actually yeah I would love to at least get the name of the supplement, yeah very uncomfortable and the meds are pretty expensive! Love and miss you!!!!
