A quick post!
The last week I have been trying to get motivated to run! Its been hard but I think God has put certain people in my life in the last few days to motivate me. I met a lady at Danny's soccer game on Tuesday who is a runner. She was telling me and encouraging me about her running life. She runs 8-10 miles every other day, has run 2 marathons, and tries to run one half every month! That gave me a push! Then I heard from a friend that some girls from back home in California are running a full marathon, yeah! Very exciting and now I feel more motivated! God is good! Though my true motivation in running is to glorify God and further His kingdom, and I pray that would be yours!
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us." -Hebrews 12:1
Monday, January 31, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
It's been a long time! A lot has happened since my last post. Long story.....well I guess that's what a blog is for....you don't have to read the whole thing if you don't want, I just like getting it out for those of you who (if anyone =) ) would like to pray!
After my endoscopy and diagnosis of Acid Reflux Disease I continued to have stomach aches. My heartburn did get better though. I didn't think much of it just because I guess I am used to having stomach pain.
A couple Sundays ago I woke up with a stomachache and a small headache. Again, I thought nothing of it and Danny and I went to church as usual. Through out the sermon I started getting a worse stomachache and started feeling feverish. We left right after church and I went right to bed. I ended up with the achy flu...YUCK. On Monday I went into work just to open the clinic and went home right after someone else got there. My body aches went away but my headache, fever, and stomachache continued; and my stomachache traveled from all over to my lower right abdomen-bad. I called Danny at work around 6:30pm and told him I could barely get up to take the dog out....he said he would come home early(originally scheduled until 8pm) I told him not to worry yet, since when I didn't move it wasn't as bad. I called the urgent care who told me they would NOT see me....they don't/can't deal with abdominal pain due to the possible emergency surgery needed if it was something severe and that I would have to go to the ER. The pain was getting worse, and I hadn't eaten in two days due to nausea and lack of appetite. He came right home and took me into the ER. When I first got there they got me right in and the nurses were"sure" it was my appendix. The Dr. was pretty sure to but wanted to confirm it with a CT scan. I drank some fabulous contrast that tasted like lemonade, waited an hour and a half, received pain meds and then went for the scan.
The Dr. came back and said "Good news is, your appendix looks normal, bad news is, your appendix looks normal".....I kinda laughed... (I was a little dopey on the morphine) and then he told us that my small intestine (or Ileum) was very swollen. He said he wanted to do some blood work, and more tests "tomorrow"....HUH??? I am not staying!!! He then pushed lightly on my right lower abdomen and I just about went through the roof...."You are staying" he said and I was ok with that then.
The next day, after a very long sleepless night, I was visited by first and Internal Medicine Dr. He told me that my white blood cells were normal and so was the rest of my blood work...which meant probably not an infection. He then said that we would need to wait to see what the GI Dr. said since he is the specialist for intestinal issues. Next around 2:30pm the surgeon came in and said he did not think I would need surgery but again, I need to wait to see the GI Dr.
Where....oh where was the GI Dr?????? It was 6:30pm when he finally came....and he wanted to do antibiotics thru my IV (which I ended up having a reaction to) and some tests...yucky ones. And said I would be staying another night due to the same amount of pain and because it was too late to do then that day. Bummer, another sleepless night for me and Danny. The Dr. also said he was suspecting Crohn's Disease. I had to do "prep" for my tests the next day that tried my faith. But God is sooo much bigger! Thanks to God for giving me my sweet husband and AMAZING friend Carrie to encourage, pray, and help me in my most vulnerable state. Of course thanks to everyone that was praying!!!
So I had the test done the next day and it actually went fine. They released me and finally after 5 days of not eating or drinking (just had IV fluids) I got to eat, and drink normal things. The pain was much better and I got to sleep in my own bed!
This past Tuesday we went to the GI Dr. to get my results. The blood work or "serology" came back positive for Crohn's Disease. The biopsies of my small intestine and Ileum came back inconclusive. The Dr. decided to treat me for mild Crohn's Disease. I now take 8 GIANT, and I mean GIANT pills per day. 2 pills 4 times per day to try to calm down the inflammation and ulcers in my intestines. So far it has not done much, I am still having some pain, though very tolerable, but no side effects except for headaches. I go back for a follow up in 2-3 months depending on how I am doing. At that time they will do more blood work and tests. If they come back the same or worse than now they are going to start me on immunomodulators.....crazy stuff!
After not running (actually almost no movement) for 3 weeks I ran today! It was 65 degrees here today so I decided to take Spike and run around the short trail by our house. It was beautiful!!!! God's majesty was amazing. As I ran I thanked Him for what He has blessed me with! The beautiful Pikes Peak that I ran towards on the trail, my sufferings, my husband, my church and the family there, my family, my friends and the life that He has given me.
Here is a quote that my sweet friend Mandy shared with me:
"God never pursues His glory at the expense of the good of His people, nor does He ever seek our good at the expense of His glory. he has designed His eternal purpose so that his glory and our good are inextricably bound together." -Jerry Bridges
After my endoscopy and diagnosis of Acid Reflux Disease I continued to have stomach aches. My heartburn did get better though. I didn't think much of it just because I guess I am used to having stomach pain.
A couple Sundays ago I woke up with a stomachache and a small headache. Again, I thought nothing of it and Danny and I went to church as usual. Through out the sermon I started getting a worse stomachache and started feeling feverish. We left right after church and I went right to bed. I ended up with the achy flu...YUCK. On Monday I went into work just to open the clinic and went home right after someone else got there. My body aches went away but my headache, fever, and stomachache continued; and my stomachache traveled from all over to my lower right abdomen-bad. I called Danny at work around 6:30pm and told him I could barely get up to take the dog out....he said he would come home early(originally scheduled until 8pm) I told him not to worry yet, since when I didn't move it wasn't as bad. I called the urgent care who told me they would NOT see me....they don't/can't deal with abdominal pain due to the possible emergency surgery needed if it was something severe and that I would have to go to the ER. The pain was getting worse, and I hadn't eaten in two days due to nausea and lack of appetite. He came right home and took me into the ER. When I first got there they got me right in and the nurses were"sure" it was my appendix. The Dr. was pretty sure to but wanted to confirm it with a CT scan. I drank some fabulous contrast that tasted like lemonade, waited an hour and a half, received pain meds and then went for the scan.
The Dr. came back and said "Good news is, your appendix looks normal, bad news is, your appendix looks normal".....I kinda laughed... (I was a little dopey on the morphine) and then he told us that my small intestine (or Ileum) was very swollen. He said he wanted to do some blood work, and more tests "tomorrow"....HUH??? I am not staying!!! He then pushed lightly on my right lower abdomen and I just about went through the roof...."You are staying" he said and I was ok with that then.
The next day, after a very long sleepless night, I was visited by first and Internal Medicine Dr. He told me that my white blood cells were normal and so was the rest of my blood work...which meant probably not an infection. He then said that we would need to wait to see what the GI Dr. said since he is the specialist for intestinal issues. Next around 2:30pm the surgeon came in and said he did not think I would need surgery but again, I need to wait to see the GI Dr.
Where....oh where was the GI Dr?????? It was 6:30pm when he finally came....and he wanted to do antibiotics thru my IV (which I ended up having a reaction to) and some tests...yucky ones. And said I would be staying another night due to the same amount of pain and because it was too late to do then that day. Bummer, another sleepless night for me and Danny. The Dr. also said he was suspecting Crohn's Disease. I had to do "prep" for my tests the next day that tried my faith. But God is sooo much bigger! Thanks to God for giving me my sweet husband and AMAZING friend Carrie to encourage, pray, and help me in my most vulnerable state. Of course thanks to everyone that was praying!!!
So I had the test done the next day and it actually went fine. They released me and finally after 5 days of not eating or drinking (just had IV fluids) I got to eat, and drink normal things. The pain was much better and I got to sleep in my own bed!
This past Tuesday we went to the GI Dr. to get my results. The blood work or "serology" came back positive for Crohn's Disease. The biopsies of my small intestine and Ileum came back inconclusive. The Dr. decided to treat me for mild Crohn's Disease. I now take 8 GIANT, and I mean GIANT pills per day. 2 pills 4 times per day to try to calm down the inflammation and ulcers in my intestines. So far it has not done much, I am still having some pain, though very tolerable, but no side effects except for headaches. I go back for a follow up in 2-3 months depending on how I am doing. At that time they will do more blood work and tests. If they come back the same or worse than now they are going to start me on immunomodulators.....crazy stuff!
After not running (actually almost no movement) for 3 weeks I ran today! It was 65 degrees here today so I decided to take Spike and run around the short trail by our house. It was beautiful!!!! God's majesty was amazing. As I ran I thanked Him for what He has blessed me with! The beautiful Pikes Peak that I ran towards on the trail, my sufferings, my husband, my church and the family there, my family, my friends and the life that He has given me.
Here is a quote that my sweet friend Mandy shared with me:
"God never pursues His glory at the expense of the good of His people, nor does He ever seek our good at the expense of His glory. he has designed His eternal purpose so that his glory and our good are inextricably bound together." -Jerry Bridges
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Edmondson Trail!!!!
First of all I just want to praise God for giving me motivation to run today! I haven't run in week or so....

Edminson Trail is a wonderful 5 mile ( you can make it what you want) run through the beautiful Colorado trees. It goes along the railroad and connects to the New Santa Fe Trail at about 1.5 miles up. At just about 2.5 miles you enter a gate to the Air Force Academy area. It absolutely beautiful and an awesome, slightly challenging, slighty hilly trail. Since we just got some snow it was sloshy in spots but not bad as you will see in some of the pictures. I ran 2.5 miles in one direction and then back. At the 2.5 mile marker is a lake. It is called Ice Lake and its gorgeous. There is an amazing story me and my running buddy, Carrie, have but I will see first if she minds if I share. Anyways I ran the first 2.5 miles then stopped to take pictures on my way back. It felt good to be back out running with Spike and listening to praise music!

A Somewhat Bias Review =)
For Christmas my fabulous hubby bought me a gift card to Boulder Running Company! I was soooo excited! The only problem??? Whenever I have money to spend at a store I can never pick anything out....if I don't have any I want everything..... =)
We went to BRC to check things out and see if anything would do. When I walked in I was overwhelmed! They had just remodeled and made the store bigger......hahhaha. But after about 35 minutes of just looking I finally decided I really wanted running tights. I want to run in the cold but my 3/4 length pants just aren't enough. So now I have to look at prices and quality and color to compare what I like to what I can afford to what will work for my short legs.
I think I tried on 4 different pairs...in 3 different sizes each! I tuned into a pair that were very comfortable, cute and affordable. The North Face Women's Kinetix Tights. I tried on an extra small which I almost had to have Danny pry them off of me....yeah it took me 10 minutes to get them off with out ripping them.....I almost went right to the medium but decided to try on a small which actually fit well. So I did more pondering and looking and decided on those! Here is the link to them and all the info on them! I have worn them a couple times and they are wonderful! Get a pair if you can!!!! It truly feels like I'm not wearing pants...that sounded weird....but you know what I mean, they are light and they don't chaff.... Women's Kinetix Tights.
Here is the verse I read today, I hope God uses it for your life today!
"I will sing to the Lord for He has dealt bountifully with me "
-Psalm 13:6
We went to BRC to check things out and see if anything would do. When I walked in I was overwhelmed! They had just remodeled and made the store bigger......hahhaha. But after about 35 minutes of just looking I finally decided I really wanted running tights. I want to run in the cold but my 3/4 length pants just aren't enough. So now I have to look at prices and quality and color to compare what I like to what I can afford to what will work for my short legs.
I think I tried on 4 different pairs...in 3 different sizes each! I tuned into a pair that were very comfortable, cute and affordable. The North Face Women's Kinetix Tights. I tried on an extra small which I almost had to have Danny pry them off of me....yeah it took me 10 minutes to get them off with out ripping them.....I almost went right to the medium but decided to try on a small which actually fit well. So I did more pondering and looking and decided on those! Here is the link to them and all the info on them! I have worn them a couple times and they are wonderful! Get a pair if you can!!!! It truly feels like I'm not wearing pants...that sounded weird....but you know what I mean, they are light and they don't chaff.... Women's Kinetix Tights.
Here is the verse I read today, I hope God uses it for your life today!
"I will sing to the Lord for He has dealt bountifully with me "
-Psalm 13:6
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
My Biggest Weakness: Nutrition.....
MMmmmmmmm I LOVE chocolate. Love it. If there is some sitting in our house or at work i eat it. I guess you could say I have issues with self-discipline.....
I mean I guess I eat salads a few times a week, and I eat a lot of fruit, but I have never really known what the best food choices for running are. So here is what my research has shown.
First, lots of seeds. There are many different ways to eat them. Whole grains, tree nuts and beans to include a few. One very interesting fact about seeds is that they are full of nutrients-they are what start a plants life! They have proteins, essential fats, and antioxidants to keep you healthy and lean. Try adding nuts to muffins, or pancakes. Even just a handful for a quick afternoon snack! I remember as a kid always picking the nuts off anything that had them. I finally, in the last few years, started trying them, I was missing out! I looove them now! We east mostly whole grain bread too!
Second, fruits and veggies any chance you get! They have vitamins, minerals and the carbs to help fuel your runs. I read on runnersworld.com that eating 6 different colored veggies and fruits daily is important. The different pigments are from different vitamins and minerals. I will sometimes (not enough though) just take a baggie of carrots and grape tomatoes as a snack or make an extravagant salad with every veggie known to man and ranch dressing. I like eating salads a few hours before I run, I feel energized! Oh yeah, and don't peel the skin off! The skins on most fruits and veggies that are edible are FULL of good stuff!
Milk and milk products (not so much soy, but real milk) are SO important. They supply our hard working bones with calcium to keep them strong as we pound them on the pavement/gravel/treadmill etc. The whey protein in milk product also helps keep our immune system strong.
One thing I found that will definitely be a challenge for Danny and I is eating things that come from cold water... Runnersworld says that fish provides runners with "quality" protein since we need 50% more protein than noon-runners.
Fish contains Omega-3 fatty acids which have shown to significantly increase heart health! We will be looking for yummy recipes for fish if anyone has any!!!!
So, as you see, they are many big reasons to eat healthy especially if your running has hit a plateau, maybe it because you body isn't being fueled correctly! Remember you body is not your own, it belongs to our God so lets take care of it!
I might start putting some healthy running-friendly recipes up here soon!
I mean I guess I eat salads a few times a week, and I eat a lot of fruit, but I have never really known what the best food choices for running are. So here is what my research has shown.
First, lots of seeds. There are many different ways to eat them. Whole grains, tree nuts and beans to include a few. One very interesting fact about seeds is that they are full of nutrients-they are what start a plants life! They have proteins, essential fats, and antioxidants to keep you healthy and lean. Try adding nuts to muffins, or pancakes. Even just a handful for a quick afternoon snack! I remember as a kid always picking the nuts off anything that had them. I finally, in the last few years, started trying them, I was missing out! I looove them now! We east mostly whole grain bread too!
Second, fruits and veggies any chance you get! They have vitamins, minerals and the carbs to help fuel your runs. I read on runnersworld.com that eating 6 different colored veggies and fruits daily is important. The different pigments are from different vitamins and minerals. I will sometimes (not enough though) just take a baggie of carrots and grape tomatoes as a snack or make an extravagant salad with every veggie known to man and ranch dressing. I like eating salads a few hours before I run, I feel energized! Oh yeah, and don't peel the skin off! The skins on most fruits and veggies that are edible are FULL of good stuff!
Milk and milk products (not so much soy, but real milk) are SO important. They supply our hard working bones with calcium to keep them strong as we pound them on the pavement/gravel/treadmill etc. The whey protein in milk product also helps keep our immune system strong.
One thing I found that will definitely be a challenge for Danny and I is eating things that come from cold water... Runnersworld says that fish provides runners with "quality" protein since we need 50% more protein than noon-runners.
Fish contains Omega-3 fatty acids which have shown to significantly increase heart health! We will be looking for yummy recipes for fish if anyone has any!!!!
So, as you see, they are many big reasons to eat healthy especially if your running has hit a plateau, maybe it because you body isn't being fueled correctly! Remember you body is not your own, it belongs to our God so lets take care of it!
I might start putting some healthy running-friendly recipes up here soon!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Bummed, to the Glory of God
Well hello! So sorry about my long reprieve from blogging! God has been teaching me that my body is NOT my own! It belongs to Him and Him alone!
During the middle of November I started having some weird and painful stomach aches just randomly and thought nothing about it. Then, in the beginning of December they started to happen EVERY time I ate anything, even drinking water. I was also have horrible heartburn I couldn't shake even standing up straight. So finally, after not wanting to eat (though I was still hungry) for about a week I went to a gastroenterologist. They decided then that they wanted to do an endoscopy to check for a million different things...yuck.... Danny took me in the next Tuesday and they gave me happy meds and stuck a camera and slicers (they took biopsies and pictures) down my throat and into my stomach. They ended up finding swelling in my stomach and a lot in my esophagus.They finally concluded it was due to Acid Reflux Disease. Yes, Praise God that it was only that! Still painful but VERY treatable. That was great news!
Now, the bad news was that because I was in so much pain, I wasn't able to stick to my training plan......not good, especially because the race was in less than a month!!!!!! I was sooo bummed. But God is good.
Every sermon, devotion, and encouragement from others I heard and received while contemplating how I could run this race in January had been about how big, and in COMPLETE control my God is of every circumstance in my life! He knows what I am going through, He ordained it, and it is for HIS glory! I praise Him and hope He uses it to His glory! Though I will not be going to Arizona in a couple weeks, and I will not be running the half-marathon, I know my God is sovereign.Am I bummed? Yes, but I am also excited to see how I can glorify Him through this. Your prayers are coveted as I have to go back to the doctor soon because of more pain in a different area of my stomach.
"Oh, Sovereign Lord, you are God! Your words are trustworthy, and you have promised these good things to your servant."
-2 Samuel 7:28
During the middle of November I started having some weird and painful stomach aches just randomly and thought nothing about it. Then, in the beginning of December they started to happen EVERY time I ate anything, even drinking water. I was also have horrible heartburn I couldn't shake even standing up straight. So finally, after not wanting to eat (though I was still hungry) for about a week I went to a gastroenterologist. They decided then that they wanted to do an endoscopy to check for a million different things...yuck.... Danny took me in the next Tuesday and they gave me happy meds and stuck a camera and slicers (they took biopsies and pictures) down my throat and into my stomach. They ended up finding swelling in my stomach and a lot in my esophagus.They finally concluded it was due to Acid Reflux Disease. Yes, Praise God that it was only that! Still painful but VERY treatable. That was great news!
Now, the bad news was that because I was in so much pain, I wasn't able to stick to my training plan......not good, especially because the race was in less than a month!!!!!! I was sooo bummed. But God is good.
Every sermon, devotion, and encouragement from others I heard and received while contemplating how I could run this race in January had been about how big, and in COMPLETE control my God is of every circumstance in my life! He knows what I am going through, He ordained it, and it is for HIS glory! I praise Him and hope He uses it to His glory! Though I will not be going to Arizona in a couple weeks, and I will not be running the half-marathon, I know my God is sovereign.Am I bummed? Yes, but I am also excited to see how I can glorify Him through this. Your prayers are coveted as I have to go back to the doctor soon because of more pain in a different area of my stomach.
"Oh, Sovereign Lord, you are God! Your words are trustworthy, and you have promised these good things to your servant."
-2 Samuel 7:28
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